Meet the team

Discover the essence of our powerhouse: a team of experienced, energetic, and flexible professionals with a sharp focus on the future. Witness the faces behind our success, driving innovation and adaptability with enthusiasm.

Board Experience

Sean has advised the boards of organisations from the largest in the UK (FTSE 100) to private organisations and public sector bodies. As a result, Sean has engaged with boards on a regular basis for many years.    

Sean is an experienced Board member, board reviewer and executive coach.

He has been on a number of Boards and committees ranging from the Oman Power and Water Procurement Co (based in the Middle East) to the Rugby Football Union (RFU) Nominations and Remuneration Committees and the ICAEW’s Corporate Goverance Advisory Board.

He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and was a Senior Partner in PwC before setting up Boardroom Dialogue in 2013. He is often asked to speak on board effectiveness and governance matters, and has authored a book on the role of the remuneration committee and contributed to others on wider governance issues.

Our Team

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Caroline Keogh

Caroline joined BRD in 2019 and is responsible for Board Effectiveness Reviews.  She has a particular interest in helping management teams deliver more with focus on culture and behavioural aspects of the team. She brings experience from privately owned companies as well as private equity.

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Caroline joined BRD in 2019 and is responsible for Board Effectiveness Reviews.  She has a particular interest in helping management teams deliver more with focus on culture and behavioural aspects of the team. She brings experience from privately owned companies as well as private equity.

Caroline Keogh

Caroline joined BRD in 2019 and is responsible for Board Effectiveness Reviews.  She has a particular interest in helping management teams deliver more with focus on culture and behavioural aspects of the team. She brings experience from privately owned companies as well as private equity.

Helen Bridgeman

Helen started working with BRD in 2019 on Board Effectiveness Reviews. She brings a wealth of experience including conflict resolution, people and change management, strategy planning and crisis resolution.

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Helen started working with BRD in 2019 on Board Effectiveness Reviews. She brings a wealth of experience including conflict resolution, people and change management, strategy planning and crisis resolution.

Helen Bridgeman

Helen started working with BRD in 2019 on Board Effectiveness Reviews. She brings a wealth of experience including conflict resolution, people and change management, strategy planning and crisis resolution.

Sean O'Hare

Sean qualified as a chartered accountant before going on to specialise in advising on people related issues during a career spanning periods on the Board of William Mercer, and later Mercer Delta, plus as a Senior Partner with both KPMG and PwC.

During this period he led teams of consultants who advised on a range of Board Governance issues from executive remuneration to board effectiveness. Since leaving PwC in 2013 Sean has focused on a plural career including Non-Executive Director positions, pro bono activity and consulting on board issues.

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Sean qualified as a chartered accountant before going on to specialise in advising on people related issues during a career spanning periods on the Board of William Mercer, and later Mercer Delta, plus as a Senior Partner with both KPMG and PwC.

During this period he led teams of consultants who advised on a range of Board Governance issues from executive remuneration to board effectiveness. Since leaving PwC in 2013 Sean has focused on a plural career including Non-Executive Director positions, pro bono activity and consulting on board issues.

Sean O'Hare

Sean qualified as a chartered accountant before going on to specialise in advising on people related issues during a career spanning periods on the Board of William Mercer, and later Mercer Delta, plus as a Senior Partner with both KPMG and PwC.

During this period he led teams of consultants who advised on a range of Board Governance issues from executive remuneration to board effectiveness. Since leaving PwC in 2013 Sean has focused on a plural career including Non-Executive Director positions, pro bono activity and consulting on board issues.

Other interests

Sean is also a member of the Editorial Board of Governance magazine (an internationally recognised corporate governance magazine); a member of The Kilfinan Group (mentoring charity CEOs); and a faculty member of The Financial Times Non Executive Director Club. 

Sean has advised the boards of organisations from the largest in the UK (FTSE 100) to private organisations and public sector bodies

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